Age: 44
Hometown: Easton, Pa.
High school: Wilson Area High School
Major: History
Expected graduation date: May 12, 2018
Why did you choose Dalton State? The location was key in my decision to attend Dalton State College.
What does it mean to you to be part of the Roadrunner Nation? The Roadrunner Nation stands for success, hard work, and a sense of community. These attributes are exactly what I wanted and needed in a college. It means everything to me to be a part of such an institution.
What do you plan to do after graduation? I will be the new American and world history teacher at Chattooga High School beginning in the fall while obtaining my juris master’s in American legal studies from Liberty University.
What activities are you involved in on campus? I am a member of Phi Alpha Theta, a history honors society, as well as an officer in the Veterans Registered Student Organization and a member of the Student Conduct Board.
What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at Dalton State? I was recently chosen to give the commencement speech at the graduation ceremony on May 12. This is a huge honor because I am representing the students of this College, and there is no bigger responsibility than to speak for those who are graduating.
Where is your favorite study spot? The Veteran’s Resource Room in Pope is my go-to when I need a quiet place to study. It is also a great place to connect with my fellow military veterans to discuss life, school, and heckle each other about our branches of military service.
Where is your favorite hangout? Home. I love to be at home with my family and dogs. I live in the country where I hear all the sounds of the livestock in the pastures and the birds in the trees. It is an escape for me even though it is home!
Favorite comfort food? I am from eastern Pennsylvania; I would be lying if I didn’t say a cheesesteak and pierogis! There is a place in Easton called Richard’s Drive-in which had been there since the early 1930s. It has the best food, in the smallest place possible!!
If you had a theme song, what would it be? Scenes from an Italian Restaurant by Billy Joel. The song is about life and its journey. I have not always traveled the easy path, but the journey I have taken has led me to the place I am in my life right now and has taught me lessons I will ever be thankful for.
Favorite line from a movie? “Louis, I think this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” Casablanca
What is your guilty pleasure? I am having a hard time admitting this but there is nothing like a fire in the winter, hot chocolate, and a day of Hallmark Christmas movies. Shhhh…don’t tell anyone!
What do you feel most proud of? My time spent in the military provided some of the most challenging moments of my life. Serving in combat is a scary and honorable thing. I am most proud of how I honorably served my country and how I can now extend my experiences to a new generation.
What is a skill you’d like to learn and why? I’d like to learn how to do woodworking because I find it fascinating being able to build something on your own and know it was your hands that created it.
What cheers you up? My family always puts a smile on my face. My wife makes me laugh and always has my back. A Washington Nationals win and good jazz music are good, too!
What is your favorite book? The Bible. It guides my life, but more than that it has intrigue, war stories, betrayal, and an awesome ending, for those who believe!
What is your favorite childhood memory? I was in a boys’ choir when I was younger, and I loved being on stage, performing in front of people. Sometimes there were just a few in the audience and sometimes there were thousands. It didn’t matter as long as there was a smile on their faces.
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? Hands down, Benjamin Franklin. He was revered by both Americans and Europeans, alike. He was a renaissance man and to pick the man’s brain would be incredible!
As a Roadrunner, what does it mean to Run Boldly? The obstacles that constantly try to derail us from our goals is the challenge we all face. To Run Boldly means to change the narrative of those obstacles and use them for motivation, rather than discouragement. The ability to overcome those things that stand in one’s way of success is the ultimate example of running boldly. We should all take this motto and apply it to, not only our time at Dalton State College, but everywhere we go and everything we do!